Total Medals Earned: 123 (From
27 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 2,520 Points
What a quick game!
a classic rockstar's end
so what is the typical holiday like?
you are a beach boy!!!
Grab the bag!
Defeat Glimmer
Defeat Cato
Form an alliance.
You call that a kiss?
Die 50 times
Die 100 times
Commit suicide 15 times
Die 200 times
You could have white teeth by now
Die 500 times
Die 1000 times, put down your keyboard and go outside
2 hours of gameplay
Finish under 30 minutes, but I guess you're used to that
you're glitching the game, aren't you? Right? RIGHT!?
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Kill a Jesus in COP TRAINING.
Lose at ROPE JUMP.
Find me two sporks
Submit a score
Destroy 10 asteroids in ASTROIDS 2.
Sweep and miss 10 times in SWEEP THE LEG.
Try both game modes in one session
Lose 10 times in one session of play.
Poke the mammoth in the eye
Read the instructions
Win RACE with 3 seconds or less left on the clock
Eat 15 food items in DIET RUN in one try.
Reach a score of 5000 points or more.
Get 3 perfect stops in CHARGE.
Get your MULTIPLIER up to 10
Get all 3 balls to fall on the correct platform in PIPES.
Get your MULTIPLIER up to 10 and then QUIT your game from the PAUSE menu.
Get a streak of 10 or more.
Destroy 10 planes in JETS.
Beat THE FINAL STAGE without losing a single life.
Serve 40 beers in BARTENDER in one try.
Finish half of STORY MODE
Get a score of 10 000 points or more.
Win KALCULATOR in 7 operations or less.
Get a streak of 20 or more.
Win 30 games in RANDOM MODE with 10 lives remaining.
Complete STORY MODE with all 10 lives.
Get a streak of 50 or more.
Boss #1
Boss #2
Boss #3
Crash the game... and your computer?
Boss #4
Boss #5
Boss #6
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
finish level 1
finish level 2
finish level 3
finish level 10
finish level 11
finish level 12
finish level 13
finish level 14
finish level 15
finish level 16
finish level 17
finish level 18
finish level 19
finish level 20
finish level 4
finish level 5
finish level 6
finish level 7
finish level 8
finish level 9
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Well aren't you a fucking hero?!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Get more than 50 customers in one day.
Play for 50 (in-game) days
Get a daily net result higher than $500.
Read through the entire manual.
Buy all four properties.
Play the FGF game.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Set a cat on fire.
Beat the tutorial levels.
Completed 5 different levels without using strings.
Evaded all enemies in 10 different levels.
Rescued burning cats in 10 different levels.
Beat the game.